Baddiel, Jews Don’t Count


David Baddiel wrote the book “Jews Don’t Count” for his fellow political progressives. In it he laments the widespread attitudes and behaviors concerning Jews in the British Labour Party under the leadership of Corbyn. The message is polemic.


Baddiel makes extensive use of Twitter and other sorts of media to give examples of antisemitic assumptions, ideas, and statements. Some of these came to public attention during the antisemitism crisis of the British Labour Party in the Corbyn period. Baddiel speaks of his book as “catalysed” by the scandalous failure of Labour to deal with its antisemitism during that time.


Typically, polemics are not written with academic objectivity and make no pretence at anything but aggressive persuasion. Baddiel is very good at this. As such, this book may present a problem for students and scholars looking for an unemotional, analytic treatment of antisemitism or of antisemitism on the Left.


Students adequately prepared for the experience can learn much about antisemitism from reading anti-antisemitic polemic. Baddiel’s book can certainly stimulate classroom experiences, and deepen students’ understanding of the complex relationship some politicians on the Left can have with Judaism and Jews. It can be used to further the study of essential dynamics in combatting antisemitism, whether focused on Jews as a civilization or simply an objectifying tool in the hands of non-Jews as they blunderingly try to make sense of their reality.

Bibliographic Information

Baddiel, David. Jews Don’t Count: How Identity Politics Failed One Particular Identity. Ebook. London: TLS Books, 2021. ISBN: 9780008399498

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